- Quick Replies
- Profile API
- Group/Room Member Profile API
- Group/Room Member IDs API
- Leave API
- Rich Menu API
- Account Link API
Official Docs
Reply API -Responds to events from users, groups, and rooms.
Responds messages to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
messages | Array<Object> |
Array of objects which contains the contents of the message to be sent. |
type: 'text',
text: 'Hello!',
can only be used once, but you can send up to 5 messages using the same token.
const { Line } = require('messaging-api-line');
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
- Official Docs
Responds text message to the receiver using reply token.
You can include LINE original emoji in text messages using character codes. For a list of LINE emoji that can be sent in LINE chats, see the emoji list.
Param | Type | Description |
text | String |
Text of the message to be sent. |
replyImage(imageUrl, previewImageUrl)
- Official Docs
Responds image message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
imageUrl | String |
Image URL. |
previewImageUrl | String |
Preview image URL. |
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
replyVideo(videoUrl, previewImageUrl)
- Official Docs
Responds video message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
videoUrl | String |
URL of video file. |
previewImageUrl | String |
URL of preview image. |
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
replyAudio(audioUrl, duration)
- Official Docs
Responds audio message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
audioUrl | String |
URL of audio file. |
duration | Number |
Length of audio file. |
originalContentUrl: '',
duration: 240000,
- Official Docs
Responds location message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
location | Object |
Object contains location's parameters. |
location.title | String |
Title of the location. |
location.address | String |
Address of the location. |
location.latitude | Number |
Latitude of the location. |
location.longitude | Number |
Longitude of the location. |
title: 'my location',
address: '〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1',
latitude: 35.65910807942215,
longitude: 139.70372892916203,
replySticker(packageId, stickerId)
- Official Docs
Responds sticker message to the receiver using reply token.
For a list of stickers that can be sent with the Messaging API, see the sticker list.
Param | Type | Description |
packageId | String |
Package ID. |
stickerId | String |
Sticker ID. |
context.replySticker({ packageId: '1', stickerId: '1' });
Reply Imagemap Message
replyImagemap(altText, imagemap)
- Official Docs
Responds imagemap message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
imagemap | Object |
Object contains imagemap's parameters. |
imagemap.baseUrl | String |
Base URL of image. |
imagemap.baseSize | Object |
Base size object. |
imagemap.baseSize.width | Number |
Width of base image. |
imagemap.baseSize.height | Number |
Height of base image. |
imagemap.actions | Array<Object> |
Action when tapped. |
context.replyImagemap('this is an imagemap', {
baseUrl: '',
baseSize: {
width: 1040,
height: 1040,
actions: [
type: 'uri',
linkUri: '',
area: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
type: 'message',
text: 'hello',
area: {
x: 520,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
Reply Template Messages
replyTemplate(altText, template)
- Official Docs
Responds template message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
template | Object |
Object with the contents of the template. |
context.replyTemplate('this is a template', {
type: 'buttons',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
replyButtonTemplate(altText, buttonTemplate)
- Official Docs
Alias: replyButtonsTemplate
Responds button template message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
buttonTemplate | Object |
Object contains buttonTemplate's parameters. |
buttonTemplate.thumbnailImageUrl | String |
Image URL of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.imageAspectRatio | String |
Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values:
square |
buttonTemplate.imageSize | String |
Size of the image. Specify one of the following values:
contain |
buttonTemplate.imageBackgroundColor | String |
Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. The default value is
(white). |
buttonTemplate.title | String |
Title of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.text | String |
Message text of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.defaultAction | Object |
Action when image is tapped; set for the entire image, title, and text area. |
buttonTemplate.actions | Array<Object> |
Action when tapped. |
context.replyButtonTemplate('this is a template', {
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
replyConfirmTemplate(altText, confirmTemplate)
- Official Docs
Responds confirm template message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
confirmTemplate | Object |
Object contains confirmTemplate's parameters. |
confirmTemplate.text | String |
Message text of confirmTemplate. |
confirmTemplate.actions | Array<Object> |
Action when tapped. |
context.replyConfirmTemplate('this is a confirm template', {
text: 'Are you sure?',
actions: [
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
type: 'message',
label: 'No',
text: 'no',
replyCarouselTemplate(altText, carouselItems, options)
- Official Docs
Responds carousel template message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> |
Array of columns which contains object for carousel. |
options | Object |
Object contains options. |
options.imageAspectRatio | String |
Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values:
square |
options.imageSize | String |
Size of the image. Specify one of the following values:
contain |
context.replyCarouselTemplate('this is a carousel template', [
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=111',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=222',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=222',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
replyImageCarouselTemplate(altText, carouselItems)
- Official Docs
Responds image carousel template message to the receiver using reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> |
Array of columns which contains object for image carousel. |
context.replyImageCarouselTemplate('this is an image carousel template', [
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
Reply Flex Messages
replyFlex(altText, contents)
- Official Docs
Responds flex message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
contents | Object |
Flex Message container object. |
context.replyFlex('this is a flex', {
type: 'bubble',
header: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Header text',
hero: {
type: 'image',
url: '',
body: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Body text',
footer: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Footer text',
styles: {
comment: 'See the example of a bubble style object',
Official Docs
Push API -Sends messages to the user, group, or room at any time.
Sends messages to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
messages | Array<Object> |
Array of objects which contains the contents of the message to be sent. |
type: 'text',
text: 'Hello!',
- Official Docs
Alias: sendText
Sends text message to the receiver using ID.
You can include LINE original emoji in text messages using character codes. For a list of LINE emoji that can be sent in LINE chats, see the emoji list.
Param | Type | Description |
text | String |
Text of the message to be sent. |
pushImage(imageUrl, previewImageUrl)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendImage
Sends image message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
imageUrl | String |
Image URL. |
previewImageUrl | String |
Preview image URL. |
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
pushVideo(videoUrl, previewImageUrl)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendVideo
Sends video message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
videoUrl | String |
URL of video file. |
previewImageUrl | String |
URL of preview image. |
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
pushAudio(audioUrl, duration)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendAudio
Sends audio message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
audioUrl | String |
URL of audio file. |
duration | Number |
Length of audio file. |
originalContentUrl: '',
duration: 240000,
- Official Docs
Alias: sendLocation
Sends location message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
location | Object |
Object contains location's parameters. |
location.title | String |
Title of the location. |
location.address | String |
Address of the location. |
location.latitude | Number |
Latitude of the location. |
location.longitude | Number |
Longitude of the location. |
title: 'my location',
address: '〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1',
latitude: 35.65910807942215,
longitude: 139.70372892916203,
pushSticker(packageId, stickerId)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendSticker
Sends sticker message to the receiver using ID. For a list of stickers that can be sent with the Messaging API, see the sticker list.
Param | Type | Description |
packageId | String |
Package ID. |
stickerId | String |
Sticker ID. |
context.pushSticker({ packageId: '1', stickerId: '1' });
Push Imagemap Message
pushImagemap(altText, imagemap)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendImagemap
Sends imagemap message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
imagemap | Object |
Object contains imagemap's parameters. |
imagemap.baseUrl | String |
Base URL of image. |
imagemap.baseSize | Object |
Base size object. |
imagemap.baseSize.width | Number |
Width of base image. |
imagemap.baseSize.height | Number |
Height of base image. |
imagemap.actions | Array<Object> |
Action when tapped. |
context.pushImagemap('this is an imagemap', {
baseUrl: '',
baseSize: {
width: 1040,
height: 1040,
actions: [
type: 'uri',
linkUri: '',
area: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
type: 'message',
text: 'hello',
area: {
x: 520,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
Push Template Messages
pushTemplate(altText, template)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendTemplate
Sends template message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
template | Object |
Object with the contents of the template. |
context.pushTemplate('this is a template', {
type: 'buttons',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
pushButtonTemplate(altText, buttonTemplate)
- Official Docs
Alias: pushButtonsTemplate
, sendButtonTemplate
, sendButtonsTemplate
Sends button template message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
buttonTemplate | Object |
Object contains buttonTemplate's parameters. |
buttonTemplate.thumbnailImageUrl | String |
Image URL of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.imageAspectRatio | String |
Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values:
square |
buttonTemplate.imageSize | String |
Size of the image. Specify one of the following values:
contain |
buttonTemplate.imageBackgroundColor | String |
Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. The default value is
(white). |
buttonTemplate.title | String |
Title of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.text | String |
Message text of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.defaultAction | Object |
Action when image is tapped; set for the entire image, title, and text area. |
buttonTemplate.actions | Array<Object> |
Action when tapped. |
context.pushButtonTemplate('this is a template', {
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
pushConfirmTemplate(altText, confirmTemplate)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendConfirmTemplate
Sends confirm template message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
confirmTemplate | Object |
Object contains confirmTemplate's parameters. |
confirmTemplate.text | String |
Message text of confirmTemplate. |
confirmTemplate.actions | Array<Object> |
Action when tapped. |
context.pushConfirmTemplate('this is a confirm template', {
text: 'Are you sure?',
actions: [
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
type: 'message',
label: 'No',
text: 'no',
pushCarouselTemplate(altText, carouselItems, options)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendCarouselTemplate
Sends carousel template message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> |
Array of columns which contains object for carousel. |
options | Object |
Object contains options. |
options.imageAspectRatio | String |
Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values:
square |
options.imageSize | String |
Size of the image. Specify one of the following values:
contain |
context.pushCarouselTemplate('this is a carousel template', [
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=111',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=222',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=222',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
pushImageCarouselTemplate(altText, carouselItems)
- Official Docs
Alias: sendImageCarouselTemplate
Sends image carousel template message to the receiver using ID.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> |
Array of columns which contains object for image carousel. |
context.pushImageCarouselTemplate('this is an image carousel template', [
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
Push Flex Messages
pushFlex(altText, contents)
- Official Docs
Sends flex message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
altText | String |
Alternative text. |
contents | Object |
Flex Message container object. |
context.pushFlex('this is a flex', {
type: 'bubble',
header: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Header text',
hero: {
type: 'image',
url: '',
body: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Body text',
footer: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Footer text',
styles: {
comment: 'See the example of a bubble style object',
Official Docs
Quick Replies -Sends message with buttons appear at the bottom of the chat screen.
'Select your favorite food category or send me your location!',
quickReply: {
items: [
type: 'action',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'message',
label: 'Sushi',
text: 'Sushi',
type: 'action',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'message',
label: 'Tempura',
text: 'Tempura',
type: 'action',
action: {
type: 'location',
label: 'Send location',
Official Docs
Profile API -getUserProfile()
Gets user profile information.
context.getUserProfile().then(profile => {
// {
// displayName: 'LINE taro',
// userId: USER_ID,
// pictureUrl: '',
// statusMessage: 'Hello, LINE!',
// }
Official Docs
Group/Room Member Profile API -getMemberProfile(userId)
Gets the user profile of a member of the group/room that the bot is in. This includes the user IDs of users who has not added the bot as a friend or has blocked the bot.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String |
ID of the user. |
context.getMemberProfile(USER_ID).then(member => {
// {
// "displayName":"LINE taro",
// "userId":"Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...",
// "pictureUrl":""
// }
Official Docs
Group/Room Member IDs API -getMemberIds(start)
Gets the ID of the users of the members of the group/room that the bot is in. This includes the user IDs of users who have not added the bot as a friend or has blocked the bot.
This feature is only available for LINE@ Approved accounts or official accounts.
Param | Type | Description |
start | String |
. |
context.getMemberIds(CURSOR).then(res => {
// {
// memberIds: [
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...',
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...',
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx...'
// ],
// next: 'jxEWCEEP...'
// }
Recursively gets the ID of the users of the members of the group/room that the bot is in using cursors.
This feature is only available for LINE@ Approved accounts or official accounts.
context.getAllMemberIds().then(ids => {
// [
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..1',
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..2',
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..3',
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..4',
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..5',
// 'Uxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..6',
// ]
Official Docs
Leave API -leave()
Leave from the group or room.
Official Docs
Rich Menu API -getLinkedRichMenu()
- Official Docs
Gets the ID of the rich menu linked to the user.
context.getLinkedRichMenu().then(richMenu => {
// {
// richMenuId: "{richMenuId}"
// }
- Official Docs
Links a rich menu to the user.
Param | Type | Description |
richMenuId | String |
ID of an uploaded rich menu. |
- Official Docs
Unlinks a rich menu from the user.
Official Docs
Account Link API -issueLinkToken()
- Official Docs
Issues a link token used for the account link feature.
context.issueLinkToken().then(result => {
// {
// linkToken: 'NMZTNuVrPTqlr2IF8Bnymkb7rXfYv5EY',
// }