
Send API

sendMessage(message) - Official Docs

Sending a message to the user.

Param Type Description
message Object Message and options to be sent.


  type: 'text',
  text: 'Hello',

Note: Maximum total JSON size of the request is 30kb.

sendText(text [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a text message to the user.

Param Type Description
text String The text of the message.
options Object Other optional parameters.



sendPicture(picture [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a picture message to the user.

Param Type Description
picture Object
picture.text String Description of the photo. Can be an empty string if irrelevant. Max 120 characters. String URL of the image (JPEG). Max size 1 MB. Only JPEG format is supported. Other image formats as well as animated GIFs can be sent as URL messages or file messages.
picture.thumbnail String URL of a reduced size image (JPEG). Max size 100 kb. Recommended: 400x400. Only JPEG format is supported.
options Object Other optional parameters.


  text: 'Photo description',
  media: '',
  thumbnail: '',

sendVideo(video [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a video message to the user.

Param Type Description
video Object String URL of the video (MP4, H264). Max size 50 MB. Only MP4 and H264 are supported.
video.size Number Size of the video in bytes.
video.duration Number Video duration in seconds; will be displayed to the receiver. Max 180 seconds.
video.thumbnail String URL of a reduced size image (JPEG). Max size 100 kb. Recommended: 400x400. Only JPEG format is supported.
options Object Other optional parameters.


  media: '',
  size: 10000,
  thumbnail: '',
  duration: 10,

sendFile(file [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a file message to the user.

Param Type Description
file Object String URL of the file. Max size 50 MB. See forbidden file formats for unsupported file types.
file.size Number Size of the file in bytes.
file.file_name String Name of the file. File name should include extension. Max 256 characters (including file extension).
options Object Other optional parameters.


  media: '',
  size: 10000,
  file_name: 'name_of_file.doc',

sendContact(contact [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a contact message to the user.

Param Type Description
contact Object String Name of the contact. Max 28 characters.
contact.phone_number String Phone number of the contact. Max 18 characters.
options Object Other optional parameters.


  name: 'Itamar',
  phone_number: '+972511123123',

sendLocation(location [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a location message to the user.

Param Type Description
location Object String Latitude (±90°) within valid ranges.
location.lon String Longitude (±180°) within valid ranges.
options Object Other optional parameters.


  lat: '37.7898',
  lon: '-122.3942',

sendURL(url [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending an URL message to the user.

Param Type Description
url String URL. Max 2,000 characters.
options Object Other optional parameters.



sendSticker(stickerId [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a sticker message to the user.

Param Type Description
stickerId Number Unique Viber sticker ID. For examples visit the sticker IDs page.
options Object Other optional parameters.



sendCarouselContent(richMedia [, options]) - Official Docs

Sending a carousel content message to the user.

Param Type Description
richMedia.ButtonsGroupColumns Number Number of columns per carousel content block. Default 6 columns. Possible values: 1 - 6.
richMedia.ButtonsGroupRows Number Number of rows per carousel content block. Default 7 rows. Possible values: 1 - 7.
richMedia.Buttons Array<Object> Array of buttons. Max of 6 _ ButtonsGroupColumns _ ButtonsGroupRows.
options Object Other optional parameters.


  Type: 'rich_media',
  ButtonsGroupColumns: 6,
  ButtonsGroupRows: 7,
  BgColor: '#FFFFFF',
  Buttons: [
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 3,
      ActionType: 'open-url',
      ActionBody: '',
      Image: 'http://html-test:8080/myweb/guy/assets/imageRMsmall2.png',
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 2,
        '<font color=#323232><b>Headphones with Microphone, On-ear Wired earphones</b></font><font color=#777777><br>Sound Intone </font><font color=#6fc133>$17.99</font>',
      ActionType: 'open-url',
      ActionBody: '',
      TextSize: 'medium',
      TextVAlign: 'middle',
      TextHAlign: 'left',
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 1,
      ActionType: 'reply',
      ActionBody: '',
      Text: '<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>',
      TextSize: 'large',
      TextVAlign: 'middle',
      TextHAlign: 'middle',
      Image: '',
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 1,
      ActionType: 'reply',
      ActionBody: '',
      Text: '<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>',
      TextSize: 'small',
      TextVAlign: 'middle',
      TextHAlign: 'middle',
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 3,
      ActionType: 'open-url',
      ActionBody: '',
      Image: '',
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 2,
        "<font color=#323232><b>Hanes Men's Humor Graphic T-Shirt</b></font><font color=#777777><br>Hanes</font><font color=#6fc133>$10.99</font>",
      ActionType: 'open-url',
      ActionBody: '',
      TextSize: 'medium',
      TextVAlign: 'middle',
      TextHAlign: 'left',
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 1,
      ActionType: 'reply',
      ActionBody: '',
      Text: '<font color=#ffffff>Buy</font>',
      TextSize: 'large',
      TextVAlign: 'middle',
      TextHAlign: 'middle',
      Image: '',
      Columns: 6,
      Rows: 1,
      ActionType: 'reply',
      ActionBody: '',
      Text: '<font color=#8367db>MORE DETAILS</font>',
      TextSize: 'small',
      TextVAlign: 'middle',
      TextHAlign: 'middle',

Keyboards - Official Docs

The Viber API allows sending a custom keyboard using the send_message API, to supply the user with a set of predefined replies or actions. Keyboards can be attached to any message type and be sent and displayed together. To attach a keyboard to a message simply add the keyboard’s parameters to the options:

context.sendText('Hello', {
  keyboard: {
    DefaultHeight: true,
    BgColor: '#FFFFFF',
    Buttons: [
        Columns: 6,
        Rows: 1,
        BgColor: '#2db9b9',
        BgMediaType: 'gif',
        BgMedia: '',
        BgLoop: true,
        ActionType: 'open-url',
        ActionBody: '',
        Image: '',
        Text: 'Key text',
        TextVAlign: 'middle',
        TextHAlign: 'center',
        TextOpacity: 60,
        TextSize: 'regular',

Which in turn will look like this:

Get User Details

getUserDetails() - Official Docs

It will fetch the details of the user.


context.getUserDetails().then(user => {
  // {
  //   id: '01234567890A=',
  //   name: 'John McClane',
  //   avatar: '',
  //   country: 'UK',
  //   language: 'en',
  //   primary_device_os: 'android 7.1',
  //   api_version: 1,
  //   viber_version: '6.5.0',
  //   mcc: 1,
  //   mnc: 1,
  //   device_type: 'iPhone9,4',
  // };


Get Online

getOnlineStatus() - Official Docs

It will fetch the online status of the user.


context.getOnlineStatus().then(status => {
  // {
  //   id: '01234567891=',
  //   online_status: 1,
  //   online_status_message: 'offline',
  //   last_online: 1457764197627,
  // }